Chapter 438: Women Inside the Building, Flying Sword Outside the Building
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 438: Women Inside the Building, Flying Sword Outside the Building

After going upstairs, Chen Chao realized he had been mistaken. Several rooms on the second floor facing the street were already occupied by many sword cultivators, which made Chen Chao feel a bit embarrassed.

The madam followed behind Chen Chao, muttering under her breath, "You all, these bunch of immortals, don't know what you're thinking. Instead of admiring beautiful girls, you insist on watching some sword forging."

Fortunately, there was still one room facing the street available. After Chen Chao threw a few skygold coins to the madam, he sent her away and entered the room. However, to his surprise, there was an elegantly dressed woman currently sitting on the bed.

Chen Chao was taken aback and immediately wanted to leave the room. But the woman just smiled at him and said, "Sir, there's no need to worry. I'm just an entertainer."

Actually, apart from the lower-tier brothels, most larger brothels had two types of women. One type engaged in physical transactions, while the other type, like this woman, provided entertainment such as playing music or singing, selling art and not their bodies. They would not take off their clothes to serve men, and were usually forced into this profession due to family circumstances. Growing up in wealthy environments, they were often skilled in various arts such as chess, music, calligraphy, and painting.

But even so, without a strong backer, it would likely be difficult to maintain their purity if they encountered a wealthy and influential client. That was just the reality of their situation.

"I apologize for disturbing you, miss."

Chen Chao bit the bullet, approaching the window and pushing it open. He could see a tall platform not far away, where a massive furnace stood. Someone was continuously adding something to it, but Chen Chao could not tell what it was. But it was likely to maintain the temperature inside the furnace.

Not far from the furnace, an old man with white hair sat on a chair, his gaze fixed on the furnace.

There were various techniques used by swordsm

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