Chapter 437: Talk Less if You Don't Know How to Talk
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 437: Talk Less if You Don't Know How to Talk

However, faced with the old blacksmith's expectant inquiry, Chen Chao could only give him a disappointing answer. "When I found this saber, it was already broken. But later, this junior found the other half."

By saying this, the meaning was clear.

The old blacksmith jeered, "I'm a swordsmith, don't you know that?"

Chen Chao smiled bitterly. Of course he knew that, but he just wanted to try his luck.

"You're an interesting kid. Looks like you're planning to head to Sword Qi Mountain to find a solution."

The old blacksmith tossed the broken saber back to Chen Chao, then got up and went to inspect the sword embryo he had been quenching earlier.

Unwilling to give up, Chen Chao asked, "Senior, is there really no way?"

Without lifting his head, the old blacksmith replied, "Setting aside the fact that this old man is a swordsmith, the material of your saber is peculiar. There aren't many people in the world who has the confidence to reforge it successfully."

Chen Chao asked curiously, "Is reforging a broken saber that complicated?"

The old blacksmith lifted his head, furrowed his brows, and then raised an eyebrow as he asked, "You're Chen Chao?"

Chen Chao was surprised. "How did you know, Senior?"

The old blacksmith laughed coldly, "Black clothes and a broken saber - could there be anyone more recognizable in the world?"

Chen Chao chuckled and nodded. "Indeed, this junior is."

The old blacksmith put down the sword embryo in his hand, thought for a moment, and then slowly said, "Swordsmiths in this world would rather forge a new sword than repair those famous swords whose fame had long already rocked the world. Do you know why?"

Chen Chao shook his head. He was completely clueless about sword forging and saber forging.

The old blacksmith sighed. "When a flying sword gets damaged, if it's just minor nicks, it can be repaired with the original material of the sword. But if it's broken, the sword's heart qi is also broken. Reforging it isn't just about reconnecting the two ends; it's about restoring that heart

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