Chapter 293.1: Shamelessly Seeking Personal Gain - Part 1
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 293.1: Shamelessly Seeking Personal Gain - Part 1

Chen Chao raised his head, suddenly feeling that the words of the Heavenly Imperial Institution's vice-chairman were very ridiculous.

"Your Excellency, do you know what you're saying?"

Previously, Xu Tong had been somewhat discreet, but after saying this sentence, things were no longer so simple. It was almost a straightforward discussion of the complexity of the situation.

Chen Chao stared into Xu Tong's eyes, feeling very puzzled. There was still no conclusive evidence about whether the Great Liang Emperor had died in the Northern Frontier. This vice-chairman of the Heavenly Imperial Institution speaking about such matters indicated that it was not a simple scheme.

There was no emotion on Xu Tong's greasy face, only a rather special gleam in his eyes. "Commander Chen, this current crisis only happens once in the Great Liang Dynasty's 200 over years. However, in times of chaos, there are always opportunities. Commander Chen, you don't need to do much. After returning to the Divine Capital, just slightly..."

Xu Tong narrowed his eyes, and finally, some emotion seeped out of that greasy face.

Chen Chao looked at him in silence for a long time and asked, "Which prince is it?"

Whether before or after ascending to the throne, the Great Liang Emperor had always favored the Empress who had now passed away. He took in no consorts, only three princes born to the Empress.

The Third Prince was much younger than his two elder brothers, and he had little influence in the court. Rather than asking which prince, it would be more appropriate to inquire if it was the First Prince or the Second Prince.

Xu Tong did not answer this question, he just said calmly, "We've already prepared everything. As long as Commander Chen returns to the Divine Capital and takes charge of the defense of the Left Guard, just follow our instructions."

Chen Chao looked at Xu Tong without nodding, and just asked, "If His Majesty returns to the Divine Capital, are you all going to force him to abdicate?"

Yes, Xu Tong's current scheme was based

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