Chapter 227: The Divine Artifact Is Sentient!
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 227: The Divine Artifact Is Sentient! (Teaser)

The Archmage of Furystorm followed Shu Yichao into the sky like an eagle, only to quickly realize it was a misstep.

The beautiful scales reflected iridescent light under the sun's rays, resembling a rainbow after a rainy day, but this rainbow was extremely dangerous.

“GAHHH!!!” the Archmage of Furystorm screamed yet again.

Fuck, this is painful!

It felt like a venomous ant had bitten his most sensitive part while he was peeing. It was so painful that he broke out in cold sweat and rolled around the place.


While the Archmage of Furystorm was stiffened up, Shu Yichao darted toward him like a phantom and hurled over metal bits mixed with lightning, charring the other party’s face black.

After pulling off the attack, Shu Yichao turned tail and fled without hesitation.

“That bastard!”

The Archmage of Furystorm took out a potion to recover his vitality before angrily giving chase.

Just like that, an intense chase unfolded in the sea of clouds.

It should have been the Archmage of Furystorm chasing Shu Yichao, but somehow, the Archmag