Chapter 209: My Host, Let Me Share the Storyline With You
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 209: My Host, Let Me Share the Storyline With You (Teaser)

In the Uyghurs commander tent…

“What?!” The Baoyi Qaghan grabbed the messenger’s collars with blood-red eyes. “My little brother has been killed by the Anxi army? Do you know what’s the consequence of reporting false military reports?!”

The messenger was scared out of his wits.

Like a terrified quail, he fearfully replied, “Khagan, I’d never dare lie to you no matter how inflated my guts are! The Chongde Khan and his army have been massacred by the Anxi army!”

There was no way to conceal the news about Shu Yichao killing the Chongde Khan as Beiting neighbored the nomadic plains. The Chongde Khan and his soldiers were dead, but there were merchant convoys roaming the area.

These merchant convoys were the ones who spread the news, which was how it got to the Uyghurs’ commander tent.


Those words jolted Baoyi Qaghan, clearing his clouded mind a little. “Did he mess with the wrong person?”

The Chongde Khan’s arrogance and foolishness were an intentional decision made between the brothers.

On the one hand, the Baoyi Qaghan couldn