Chapter 208: Yes, We’re Attacking Our Allies
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 208: Yes, We’re Attacking Our Allies (Teaser)

“Darned grandson.”

“Yes, my son?”

“Tell me honestly. Are you an evil god here to devour this world? This doesn’t make sense!”

Miazova was suffering a mental breakdown.

Shu Yichao and Miazova were standing in the middle of the desert, and an incomparably huge army was gathered in front of them. This was also what Miazova struggled to make sense of.

What in the world happened?!

Miazova was planning to teleport to Beiting with just Shu Yichao. It was a risky maneuver to leave their army behind, but with Shu Yichao’s necromancy ability, he should be able to swiftly raise a huge army of undead after a few minor battles.

But what was this?

Miazova had no idea how it happened, but it had somehow teleported Shu Yichao and his entire army to Beiting!

This was ludicrous!

Teleportation was, by no means, an omnipotent spell. Given its mana, there was no way it could have teleported so many people to such a distant place.

Yet, the impossible had been realized.

Bloody hell! Has Shu Yichao begun devouring this world’s laws too?

Yes, that has to be t