Chapter 207: Stress Heaping on the Ally’s Shoulders
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 207: Stress Heaping on the Ally’s Shoulders (Teaser)

“What’s wrong, darned grandson?” Miazova asked. “What are you up to this time?”

It had noticed Shu Yichao staring blankly in mid-air, murmuring and howling to himself. This had happened so many times that it was no longer surprised by it.

“Those Uyghur bastards!” Shu Yichao’s eyes reddened. “The galls of them to burn my village!”

Shu Yichao could only see the cities he had conquered on the minimap, and it looked like he had just received a bunch of new territories. It looked like the area west of Jiayu Pass now belonged to him.

At the same time, the Uyghurs had turned from neutral to hostile, and they were plundering Beiting villages right now.

How dare they!

“I dare you to stay put! I’m coming over right now to mince you people!”

“Wait!” Miazova exclaimed. “You can tell what’s going on in Beiting from here?”

“Of course.” Shu Yichao nodded matter-of-factly. “Is there a problem?”

What? This is a huge thing!

Miazova thought that Shu Yichao’s ability was limited to raising buildings, but if he could remotely sense what was going on in th