Chapter 197: Kneel and Prostrate
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 197: Kneel and Prostrate (Teaser)

“Stand your ground and counterattack!”

The sight of a gigantified terracotta warrior destroying the defenses they had deployed on the city wall with a single strike left Tahir’s face distorted in horror.

True God above, what are those abominations? I don’t get it! I don’t get it at all!

Tahir kept barking out orders, but none of his soldiers were moving.

He turned around and saw that even his aides had fallen into a daze. Very few of them were able to remain on their feet. Many even had dubious wet spots on their crotch, emanating an awful stench.

“Bastards!” Tahir beat up his aides. “What have become of you people? And you have the galls to call yourself warriors of the true God? Drag out the ballistae right now!”

Only at Tahir’s beating did the other commanders finally snap out of their daze and urge the soldiers to operate the ballistae.

But not everyone was scared silly. Some were scared crazy.


“This must be a lie!”

“Yes, it must be a lie! Maybe it’s an illusion conjured by the Tangs!”

Some soldiers shouted in a fren