Chapter 196: A Huge Advantage
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 196: A Huge Advantage (Teaser)

Over at Merv… (T/N: Merv is a city in Khorasan.)

“What’s going on?!”

Tahir was alarmed when the flow of news from Bukhara stopped. This was abnormal.

Without any hesitation, he ordered an invasion of the Tangs.

Bukhara was an important frontline city to the Abbasid Caliphate, serving as a military and supply route checkpoint. There was no way they would abruptly cut off communication in the wake of an important military operation.

Even if something had cropped up, Bukhara should have sent someone over to inform him.

Tahir had sent a few waves of scouts to investigate the situation at Bukhara, but none of them returned.

Could the Tangs have encircled Bukhara? But even if that’s the case, surely at least one of our scouts would have made it back alive, right?

Tahir was bewildered, but it didn’t take him long to receive the answer to his question.

“True God above, what are those things?!”

Tahir was horrified to see the terracotta warriors and ghost horsemen flying in the sky. Not even in his wildest imagination did he expect the enemy to