Chapter 195: Attack of Titans
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 195: Attack of Titans (Teaser)

The nervous Samarkand governor clumsily ushered Shu Yichao and his ghost horsemen into his manor, paying no heed to the Abbasid soldiers, who had become fodder for the vultures and the crows.

I would have never thought.

He and his aides felt dazed.

They are heavenly soldiers, in the truest sense.

“Persian Military Commander Li Siguo pays respect to the Anxi Protectorate-General. Please ask anything of us. It’d be our honor to serve you,” the Samarkand governor respectfully greeted Shu Yichao.

“Li Siguo?” Shu Yichao stared at the Samarkand governor with raised eyebrows.

He’s a Persian, right? Why does he have a Han name?

The Samarkand governor noticed Shu Yichao’s confusion and answered without missing a beat, “Yes, milord. We have taken on Han names after being enlightened by past sages. We had to hide our real names in the past because of the Abbasid Caliphate’s tyranny…”

He was bullshitting.

The Persians had been oppressed by the Muslims since the downfall of the Sasanian Empire. Their cities were destroyed. Their artwork was melte