Chapter 194: The Real Heavenly Soldier
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 194: The Real Heavenly Soldier (Teaser)


A deafening roar suddenly shook the city, spreading fear throughout Samarkand.

“What’s that?!”

The civilians stared at the silhouette flitting across the sky in fright.

“Governor, let’s go and take a look!”

The Samarkand governor rushed out of his manor upon hearing his aide’s exclamation. What he saw astonished him.

Ink-black clouds descended from the sky like a tsunami. Devastating lightning covered the sky, and black lotuses drifted with the wind. Vultures and crows circled in the sky, cawing loudly.

Despite the lack of wings, a young man dressed in silver-black armor was flying in the sky on a white jade-like lion.

When the Samarkand governor met eyes with the young man, he had an uncanny feeling that he was standing before a lofty deity. The other party looked upon the world with cold, impassive eyes as if nothing was worthy of his attention.


A furious wind blew.

Sinister snickers echoed from the shadows as snow began to fall on the city.


Four heavy feet stamped the ground. The young man and his white lion mount