Chapter 193: A Timely Deliverance of a Pillow to Someone Dozing Off
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 193: A Timely Deliverance of a Pillow to Someone Dozing Off (Teaser)

【Woohoo! This is amazing!】

System 12345’s heart was put at ease when it saw the Holywolf Warrior maxing out her loyalty toward Shu Yichao.

My host has conquered one of the top powerhouses here. What else can stand in his way?

System 12345 felt ashamed that it had been worried about Shu Yichao.

【Looks like I was overthinking it. Now that I think about it, there hasn’t been a target that my host hasn’t been able to settle thus far. I bet everything that happened before was just him trying a new tactic. I should have known just by looking at the data.】

【Tsk tsk, my host. You’re hunting them down like prey.】

【The lady flees in a fluster, but you slowly press on with your relentless attacks, deepening her fear for you bit by bit. She clutches onto the hope that she can escape you, but little does she know that she can never escape your palm.】

【Finally, on a dark, moonless night, you appear like a phantom and abruptly take her down, much to her horror… As her pride is ripped to shreds, she closes her tearful eyes… Ah!】

System 12345 was so