Chapter 198: A Traitor Has Appeared Among Us
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 198: A Traitor Has Appeared Among Us (Teaser)

Khorasan had been gripped by terror and joy over early spring.

Those who felt joy were the ones who had been oppressed by the Persians and the Abbasids.

Shu Yichao’s invasion was as swift and batshit insane as ever.

His strategy was simple.

He would first have his terracotta warriors fly across the city walls before leaping off gigantified to clear the garrison troops’ defenses. Specters would emerge from defeated enemy troops, and they, together with the ghost horsemen, would quell any enemy resistance.

It was a straightforward tactic, but so far, no city had been able to survive it.

The peasants and slaves in the city felt vindicated when they saw those who had previously treated them no different from livestock were massacred in cold blood.

To their further delight, whenever Shu Yichao conquered a city, the ghost horsemen would distribute the land to them according to Tang laws.

The landowners in the region were being uprooted, and it would be a waste to leave these lands unoccupied, so they figured that they might as well distribu