Chapter 182: Do You Recognize Me
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 182: Do You Recognize Me

“Grandson…” The sudden emergence of the black-cloaked figure raised Miazova’s wariness to the max. “That fellow is a high shaman, a tough nut to crack.”

Similar to archmages, high shamans were extremely powerful mages. Where the Tibetan Empire had three powerful archmages, the Transoxania area only had a single high shaman.

All the countries and tribes here revered the high shaman, not daring to offend him lest he vanquish them from the face of the world. It didn’t help that most nations here comprised a single city, so the saying ‘an individual rivaling a nation’ was not an exaggeration here.

“He won’t be bothered about the Chach people either, so holding the Chachs hostages won’t work…”

Miazova knew that the high shaman wouldn’t flinch even if everyone in Talas died to the specters. Even though the high shaman came to Talas to stop the Tangs, he only did that because he thought that the Tangs had offended him.

How dare you invade Transoxania without offering any tribute to me? Don’t you know who calls the shots here?

Unlike the Archmage of Holysnow, who had no idea where Shu Yichao was and could only desperately fight off the terracotta soldiers in the Iron Gate Pass, the high shaman knew where Shu Yichao was, which gave him the option to deal with the problem at its root.

If both sides fell out, the high shaman wouldn’t hesitate to behead Shu Yichao, who was ironically the weakest link of the undead army.

After the earlier exchange, Miazova was certain that Shu Yichao wasn’t a match for the high shaman. If the high shaman made up his mind to kill Shu Yichao here, there was no guarantee that he could escape from here alive.

“I’ll cast some buffs on you. Let’s slip away first,” Miazova instructed Shu Yichao as it began channeling spells. “Order your specters to hold the high shaman down. The high shaman may be powerful, but he’ll need time to kill the specters. That should buy us enough time to escape. Once we’re safe, we can slowly wear the high shaman down just like in the Iron Gate Pass…”

After having fought so

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