Chapter 181: Talas
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 181: Talas

“Oh? We have reached Talas,” Shu Yichao murmured, seeing the city’s name on the minimap.

Talas was an important fortress belonging to Chach of Central Asia’s Nine Kingdoms.

Decades ago, the Tang general, Gao Xianzhi, fought the Abbasid Caliphate in Talas.

Chach had betrayed Great Tang and sided with the Abbasid Caliphate, so Gao Xianzhi dispatched troops to conquer Chach and capture their king. Chach’s prince escaped to the Abbasid Caliphate and requested help, and the Tangs and the Arabs ended up fighting in Talas.

The Karluks’ backstabbing resulted in the Tangs suffering a defeat in Talas. Thousands were killed, and thousands were taken as prisoners.

This battle wasn’t that important. It was just a border skirmish, and neither side thought too highly of it. Even so, it was still a clash between the two powerful empires of the East and the West, so it was thoroughly analyzed later in the future.

There were all kinds of analyses and research.

“The Battle of Talas? Brothers, some of you might have even been involved in this battle,” Shu Yichao remarked to the ghost horsemen.

“Grar!” Some of the ghost horsemen nodded in agreement.

“Really? What are we waiting for?!” Shu Yichao exclaimed in excitement. “It’s time to exact vengeance! We have just dealt with the Karluks who backstabbed Great Tang; it’s high time to deal with the Chach traitors now!

“Brothers, come with me! We shall avenge our brethren who have died in the Battle of Talas! Let’s show them how sharp our Great Tang’s modaos are!”

“GRARRR!” the ghost horsemen exclaimed hoarsely.

A cold, sinister wind blew toward Talas like a brewing snowstorm.

“They are here! The Tangs’ vengeful ghosts are here!”

Horrified screams ensued.

The Chachs’ garrison troops in Talas stared at the specters blowing toward them with faces distorted with fear.

There had been rumors for months now that the Anxi army had returned to the mortal world, bringing with them an undead army. Even the Tibetan Empire had suffered a series of setbacks to them.

However, the people of Chach didn’t t

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