Chapter 114: The Fluttering Tang Flag
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 114: The Fluttering Tang Flag

“Skeleton soldiers.”

Shu Yichao inspected the stats of the skeleton soldiers before him.

Name: Skeleton Soldier


Melee Damage: 45-55 (Average)


Armor: 0 (Abysmal)

Magic Resistance: 0 (Abysmal)


On Foot: 40 (Slow)

Morale: Fixed

Discipline: Low

Recruitment Cost: 97 qian, 15 yin energy

Maintenance Cost: 23 qian per week

“How weak.” Shu Yichao shook his head. “They are cannon fodders through and through. Nothing stands out about them, other than their fixed morale. Not even militias are this weak. And why do I have to pay them when they are dead? Shouldn’t they work for free?”

Just then, Miazova walked up and said, “Is this your trump card?”

Aren’t you a bit too bold?

Necromancy could create terrors reminiscent of natural calamities if utilized well—Miazova had seen similar situations in other worlds before—but there was one critical problem… this world’s law wouldn’t allow it!

This world could permit the existence of vengeful spirits and ghost cities, but it wouldn’t allow cackling skeletons to roam under broad daylight!

In other words, Shu Yichao’s actions were an affront to the consciousness of the world!

By this point, Miazova had started wondering if Shu Yichao was off his rockers.

“I have just barely gotten started,” Shu Yichao nonchalantly replied, “Skeletons are only strong when there’s a massive army of them. Wait till I gather millions of skeletons… You’ll witness a true undead calamity.”

Miazova fell silent.

Forget it. This family has always been like that, hasn’t they?

“What about those people?” Miazova pointed to the terrified slaves inside the cages. “Aren’t you going to turn those Tang people into skeletons too?”

“That won’t do.” With a wave of Shu Yichao’s hand, the skeletons began cleaning up the battlefield and gathering the spoils of war. “I need to bring them to Kucha to build up the population.”

Question: What do Beacons of the Otherworld’s undead cities like the most?

Answer: Human, living ones.

The Beacons of the Otherworld’s many gaming modes were developed individually an

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