Chapter 115: Uniting with the Tangs
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 115: Uniting with the Tangs

A modao flowed fluidly in Shu Yichao’s grasp, reflecting a ferocious glint with each cut. (T/N: Modao is a three-meters long sword)

Any Karluk soldier entering the wide range of his modao merely saw a flash of white light before they were split into two.

“Release the arrows!”

The enemy soldiers tried to shoot him down from the walls, but…

Shoosh shoosh shoosh!

…before they could fire their arrows, a huge barrage of arrows resembling a swarm of destructive locusts rained down on them, plunging their ranks into chaos.

The White-haired Ghost Horsemen had made their move.

They were equipped with exquisite bows and sharp arrows, and all of them were familiar with horseback archery. Just a round of combined firing from them was enough to clear off 70% of the Karluk soldiers on the walls.

Some believed that archers were elites in an army, as it required not only dexterity but great strength as well. Otherwise, even pulling the bowstring would have proven to be a challenge. However, the Tang soldiers stationed in Anxi during its prime thought that was a joke.

Shouldn’t archery be a basic skill? In Great Tang, what kind of soldier are you if you can’t even shoot an arrow properly?

“They have cavalrymen!”

“The enemy has cavalrymen!”

Black silhouettes rushed into the mine, trampling down anyone who stood in their way.

Some of the smarter Karluk soldiers began hiding in their sentry towers, which wouldn’t have been a bad idea since the White-haired Ghost Horsemen would have struggled to chase them in as they couldn’t move without their horses… but that was only if Shu Yichao wasn’t here.


Shu Yichao leaped into the sky and swung his modao, producing a loud screech.


A sentry tower was sliced into two!

Everyone inside had their upper bodies separated from their lower bodies. Wooden smithereens, stone fragments, dust, blood, and flesh flew into the sky.

A fiery inferno began to spread, and the illumination it provided allowed the Karluk soldiers to finally see the true appearance of the White-haired Ghost Knights—whit

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