Chapter 113: Conquest Expert
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 113: Conquest Expert

It was a dark tent occasionally illuminated by the flickering campfire outside. The guards would lower their heads and nod off every now and then.

Whispers could be heard around a few cages.

“Hey, Simaga!”


“Prepare to escape.”

The group of slaves first liaised with one another before cutting through their ropes with a broken porcelain shard. Tonight, while the merchant convoy was camping here, was the best opportunity for them to escape.

The merchants had just dealt with a batch of slaves who attempted to escape, and that intimidated the others. Due to that, the security was slightly looser than usual.

“Let’s go!”

They snuck to a remote part of the camp and attempted to climb over the fence.


The surroundings lit up. Twenty guards carrying torches suddenly appeared and encircled them.

“Hmph!” A plump slave merchant looked at the horrified slaves with a gleeful smile. “Where do you think you’re going, hm?”

He waved his hand, and the guards charged forward with bats to beat the slaves up.

The slaves were malnourished and had suffered a lot of abuse. There was no way they were a match for the healthy and energetic guards. They were beaten to the point where their skin tore, and their flesh and blood mashed together.

Yet… the guards didn’t attack the youth named Simaga.

“SIMAGA!” One of the slaves, who was bruised from all the beating, spat out bloody sputum before roaring hatefully, “You betrayed us?! WHY?!”

Simaga coldly looked at them, not saying a word.

This escape saga soon came to pass.

“Simaga, it’s all thanks to you,” the slave merchant said with a smile in the tent. “You’re an obedient child. It was also thanks to you that we caught those Tang slaves who tried to escape the last time.”

“Not at all.” Simaga, who was all cold earlier, now had a fawning smile. “It’s my honor to be able to share my master's woes.”

“Here’s your reward.” The slave merchant tossed a dry and hard naan on the floor.

“Thank you, master.” Simaga gratefully picked up the naan.

“Boss.” It was only after Simaga left did the slave

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