Chapter 110: Entering the Game Again
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 110: Entering the Game Again

【I am System 12345.】

【I’m not the same System as I was before. I am taking my first step to becoming a great System.】

System 12345 checked the details as System 1915 had taught it to.

【Language—checked! Mandarin is the common language.】

【World view—checked! It’s a world of Sword and Magic; there’s no place for a Roman fanatic to pull their stunts.】

【Communications—checked! I’ll be able to communicate with my host.】

System 1915 had suggested putting the host in another world if it was going to do transmigration, so System 12345 decided to make its host reincarnate into another world and start growing from an infant.

With at least ten years of otherworld experience under its belt, surely its host wouldn’t mess around like an unleashed dog anymore?

On top of that, it decided to develop the cheat based on the authority it had in its hand and the background setting.

【Let me revise the background setting one last time…】

【The host left his parents’ side from a young age and was brought up by a mysterious individual. One day, he received a mysterious letter from his mother and went on a journey as an adventurer.】

【The city lord’s proud daughter, the venom-tongued shaman, the black-bellied witch, the foul-mouthed but righteous beastwoman… Ohoho! So many classical Japanese isekai tropes!】

It was practically dumping its host into a pile of beauties. Surely its host would be moved! System 12345 was confident about pulling it off this time.

If System 12345 hadn’t performed so disastrously in its previous internship, kicking up a big fuss in the process, the school would have just turned a blind eye and let it graduate. However, since it was taking on its internship again, that was not an option anymore.

But it doesn’t matter. I have remembered everything Senior Legend taught me. I can handle it!

【Transmigration, activate!】

<Execution runtime error.>

<The program is not responding. Terminate?>


System 12345 was stunned. It suddenly thought of a problem.

【Eh? Did I… not choose a host?】

“Run Beacons of the Otherworld! Let’s

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