Chapter 111: A City of White Hair
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 111: A City of White Hair

“Why can’t I recruit troops anymore?” Shu Yichao fiddled with the screen, hoping to use his starting fund to recruit some soldiers, only to realize that he was unable to do so.

What was even weirder was…

“I can’t recruit troops, but I can directly recruit heroes? What is with this setting?” Shu Yichao fell into deep thoughts. “And the page for recruiting heroes looks the same as the page for inviting a friend into a mod in the original Beacons of the Otherworld.”

Beacons of the Otherworld was one of the most successful games back then, so it went without saying that it allowed users to interact with one another too.

“Is the translation correct?”

Shu Yichao tapped into ‘Heroes Recruitment’. Only one hero was colored; the rest were grayed out.

“Isn’t this the same as inviting a friend? The only one who is in the same psionic frequency as me is… Miazova? Do I have such a person in my friend list?”

Shu Yichao tried to check the person’s profile, only to accidentally tap on the ‘Recruit’ button.


Space shattered like a mirror, revealing a distorted, blood-red scenery.

Tok tok!

A figure reminiscent of a metal tower walked out of the shattered space with heavy footsteps, and the space behind them immediately recovered as if it had been an illusion.

“It really is inviting a friend to help?” Shu Yichao was speechless. “What kind of nonsensical scenario is that? The players are heroes? Uhh, I guess that isn’t exactly wrong.”

Players tended to be much fiercer than NPC heroes anyway.

Shu Yichao was certain that the person he had summoned was a player because of their mishmash of equipment.

He wore a combat helmet with a gas mask, along with a bamboo hat. His body was even more heavily armored than the Metal Fortresses, with an army pixelated uniform on the inside. On his waist was a military water bottle and shovel.

In his combat gloved hands was a red-tasseled spear, whereas his legs were covered in a pair of military boots.

It was bizarre…

It felt like he was cosplaying multiple characters at once.

The invited friend fir

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