Chapter 109: Systemhood Is Filled With Ordeals!
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 109: Systemhood Is Filled With Ordeals!

【12345, you have failed your internship. You will have to repeat it again.】

The words of its mentors echoed in its ears. System 12345 felt like breaking down.

【Why did this happen?】

【I am a Romance Conquest System! Why is my host a berserker who wants to chop everything down? He actually killed all of the capture targets before escaping!】

【Other than my screen going black, the failed installation of the language package, the occasional program hangs, the coding errors, and the high latency… I think I have done decently on everything else.】

System 12345 felt exhausted. It headed to a group filled with many other Systems, hoping to find consolation.

As soon as it slipped in, it saw the other Systems chatting excitedly among themselves.

【Fellow Systems, I have piping hot tea!】

【A new idiot had popped up in our Romance Faculty! Not only did it score a negative in its internship, but it even caused huge damage to the internship ground! The consciousness of the world even complained all the way to the faculty, and our teachers barely placated it.】

That news stirred up a storm in the Systems chatroom.

【Negative? I don’t get it. How does anyone do that?】

【What the hell! I mean, you won’t get a negative even if you submit a blank paper!】

【Whose student is that?】

Woah, there’s such interesting news? System 12345 quickly joined the conversation.

【Ehhh! Something that interesting actually happened? Does anyone have more information?】


The chatroom seemed to stall to a halt the moment System 12345 joined the conversation.

【You are… 12345?】 One of the Systems asked.

【I am.】

System 12345 was confused by that question.

【Are you sure you are 12345 and not l2345?】

【Are you sure you are 12345 and not 1234S?】

【Are you sure you are 12345 and not 123A5】

Such spams appeared in the chatroom.

【I am 12345! Is someone else impersonating me?】

System 12345 was slowly beginning to lose its temper.

【That System before, I know who you’re talking about now.】

【Indeed, it wouldn’t be surprising if it’s 12345.】

【Not surprising +1】

【Not surprising

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