Chapter 108: The Horns of the Future
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 108: The Horns of the Future

Time passed in a flash.

“Clotho!” the lecturer shouted.


A young man, who had turned his head around to chat with his classmates, hurriedly stood up.

“Answer my question.” The lecturer’s glasses obscured her face, but her eyes looked exceptionally cold. “What is the significance and impact of the Second London Treaty?”

“…” The youth racked his brain.

The Second London Treaty? That’s the treaty signed after Empress Sophia crushed all hostile powers in Britain and annexed its territory, right?

Ah no, that’s the content of the North Sea Treaty—

Crap, I’ve mixed everything up!

A cold glint flashed across the lecturer’s eyes as Clotho struggled to answer her question.

“You’ll remain standing for the rest of the lecture. I hope there won’t be a second time.”

Amidst the laughter of his classmates, Clotho sighed in resignation as he stood up and carried his book to stand by the side of the classroom.

After the class ended, the students gathered around him.

“Clotho, you are brave to let your attention wander during the head lecturer’s class.”

“I…” Clotho scratched his head.

Just then, a middle-aged man with rugged features dressed in elegant clothes strutted into the classroom. His footsteps hastened when he saw Clotho.

The students quickly scattered.

The head lecturer sure is vicious to summon Clotho’s father, who serves as a diplomat, over.

“…Ah?” Clotho was dumbstruck.

I know that I got distracted in class, but surely there’s no need to call my parents here over something this small, right?

The middle-aged man walked up to Clotho. His presence naturally commanded authority. “Come with me.”


Clotho felt dizzy. He could only miserably drag his feet behind his stern father.

To his surprise, his father didn’t reprimand him. Instead…

“A transfer student from Serica will be transferring here this year. You’ll be taking care of her.”

Clotho was perplexed. “Wait, isn’t that an important responsibility? How did this task fall onto my shoulders?”

His father quietly stared at him.

Clotho spent a moment in thought bef

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