Chapter 104: It’s Headbutt, Not Anything Else
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 104: It’s Headbutt, Not Anything Else


Charlemagne hurriedly staggered backward to build distance between her and Shu Yichao, fearing that the latter would follow up with other attacks. Her head was ringing so much that it felt like a thousand people were arguing inside her.

She wiped her face and found blood. Shu Yichao’s fist had nearly bashed her face in.

“What’s with that fellow?!”

Charlemagne was certain that Shu Yichao was late to react to her assault.

Rather, it felt like he had positioned the red-tasseled spear in advance to seal off her attack before doing a slight twist to redirect her force elsewhere, causing her to stagger forward. Then, he swiftly released his spear and sunk his fist into her face…

And all of these were performed through sheer instincts.

Just how many life-and-death battles has this fellow fought?! How can someone who looks like he’s only fifteen possess such adept skills?

Is this trial… really a trial?

No, it can’t be!

Charlemagne was further shaken up.

After knocking Charlemagne back once, Shu Yichao grabbed his red-tasseled spear once more and slowly approached her like a hunter trying to take down a tiger alone.

He was not worried about Charlemagne’s stats being higher than his.

A boss, no matter how long their health bar was, would only be whittled down if one could outmaneuver them. This boss had clearly taken that into account, judging by the boss’ superior agility and the lack of a fixed attacking pattern.

This meant that this battle was highly demanding on the player’s reaction and experience. Furthermore, the boss’ life bar was short, which made it seem like a true showdown.

This is fantastic!

Shu Yichao didn’t rush to attack. He knew that he needed to control the tempo of the battle, so he chose to focus on defending and counter attacking for the time being.


Charlemagne refused to give up and launched another attack. Her sword reflected a cold light that brightened up the dim cathedral.

However, Shu Yichao leisurely dodged Charlemagne’s furious onslaught, not receiving the slightest damage at all

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