Chapter 103: To Rot or Not To Rot
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 103: To Rot or Not To Rot

【What a lovely day, waking up from my sleep.】

System 12345 was in a subtle mood. It had a feeling that its internship was doomed, but at the same time, it harbored a sliver of expectation.

What if things worked out?

But it understood that hope was but a mere glimmer.

My host only knows how to fight wars. Would he obediently date Charlemagne even if he can’t beat her?

Thus, System 12345 decided to take the stance of Schrödinger's cat, maintaining a state in between rotting and not.

Taking a nap after encountering difficulties? No, that’s resting before dealing with the problems.

【Eh? My host, how did you do it?】

System 12345 exclaimed upon seeing the screen.

【Charlemagne has suffered a huge blow. She’s starting to waver in her self-belief that she’s the destined conqueror of the world. On top of that, she harbors certain feelings toward you…】

Is my host… about to succeed? The most difficult part about conquering this boss is to wake her up from her delusions of grandeur that she’s the destined conqueror of the world, and my host appears to have achieved that…

How did he do it? Is my host actually amazing?

Upon realizing that fighting is out of the question, he immediately changes his route and is still able to make such miraculous progress.

System 12345 was all hyped up.

【WOOOO!!! This is terrific!】

【My host, I knew that you could do it! Go and break a leg and conquer Charlemagne!】

【Tear down her defenses with your warm heart. Make her realize that she is no Eternal Emperor but a woman who desires happiness! Convince her to put down her scepter and her golden sphere!】

Zk zik zzk…


【Spoiled again? I shouldn’t have been so cheap back then to buy this second-handed good. The owner promised me that it’s barely used… but I should have known better than to expect quality from cheap stuff.】

The Eternal City was burning.

Intense sword clashes could be heard everywhere. Cackling flames tore down the buildings. Screams, roars, and wails filled the street.

Bit by bit, the Metal Fortresses shattered the heads of those a

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