Book 07 Chapter 011: Tell a Joke, Master Teacher Fu Hua
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 07 Chapter 011: Tell a Joke, Master Teacher Fu Hua

Chen Heng opened the Dimension Administrators Association’s store and, at the top of the page, purchased virtual reality helmets. He had a larger purchase quota than others in the first place and had not used it all. Only after buying helmets for Nightingale and Skadi did he max out his quota.

After sending the helmets to Kal’tsit via a virtual red packet, Chen Heng sent a special note.

Although Chen Heng bought virtual reality helmets for both, he did not buy Nightingale medicine for treating Oripathy—a decision made for specific reasons. It wasn’t because Chen Heng was stingy, but rather because if Nightingale’s Oripathy were cured suddenly, it would draw too much attention. It seemed better to wait until Kal’tsit purchased the recipe; only then would Chen Heng contribute a little to help Nightingale first.

Moreover, Chen Heng had another idea…


Three days later:

Chen Heng, accompanied by his family members who needed to take the Jixia Academy entrance test, arrived at the Special Affairs Bureau’s Vast Sea City branch for a pre-admission screening.

Fu Hua did not need to come, as she had already been registered as a member of Jixia Academy’s teaching staff after receiving her invitation letter two days earlier, personally delivered by Jixia Academy’s staff.

This invitation letter was as much for teachers as it was for students, essentially serving as a notice of employment—though permanency was not guaranteed.

Chen Heng had no doubts about Fu Hua’s acceptance into Jixia Academy, given her formidable strength as a Void Hollow Realm cultivator, which made her one of the top cultivators on Earth.

Note, just Earth.

In reality, those involved with the hidden world to some depth would know that the current Earth was an enhanced version.

[Author Note: This Earth is much larger than the real Earth, practically an enlarged version with much more area and mass.]

Right now, an extremely powerful sealing ritual array encased Earth. This was the result of several immortals and deities from minor planes combining their e

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