Book 07 Chapter 10: Discrimination against a World Consciousness, What a Sight!
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 07 Chapter 10: Discrimination against a World Consciousness, What a Sight!

Sage Megumi: Isn’t it not so nice to be so direct?

Herrscher of Pufferfish: Elder Brother, she insulted you. If it were me, I’d have given her a 30-day mute package.

Magical Girl Teriri: 30 days? But I just joined the association.

Lord of the White Night: Sirin, give it up. So far, in this association, your elder brother has hardly ever issued a mute to anyone besides Merlin.

Efreet: That’s not true. Chen Heng has muted me.

Lord of the White Night: Huh? What? What did you do?

17-Year-Old Beautiful Young Lady: I remember it was because I, Itsuka Kotori, and who else was it? Right, Merlin, too. We called Chen Heng a darn siscon, so he muted us for a day! Although he later lifted it, that’s when I realized how dirty Chen Heng’s heart was. He first used Merlin to prove that his mutes only lasted a minute, then baited the rest of us for a harsher punishment.

Efreet: That was the only time Chen Heng muted someone other than Merlin, right?

Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki [Root]: Mute, huh? I want to experience that, too.

Administrator He Who Knows Fate muted Self-Centered Elder Sister Shiki [Root] for 30 days.

One Punch Baldy: …

Workaholic Gil: …

Solomon: Well done! Ah! No! That’s too bad.

He Who Knows Fate: I’ve never heard such a bizarre request in my life. Someone actually asked to be muted? How could I not oblige?

“Chen Heng! Quickly unmute me.” In reality, Ryougi Shiki, who sat near Chen Heng, suddenly stood up and pounced on Chen Heng, fiercely grabbing his neck to demand her muting be lifted.

It was obvious that Root had possessed Ryougi Shiki and was using Ryougi Shiki’s body.

“No, if I mute or unmute you on demand, wouldn’t I have no dignity as the administrator?” Chen Heng refused since he couldn’t just do as told. Others (Solomon) might fear Root because she was a world consciousness, but Chen Heng wasn’t afraid. Just try me.

I am a man who dares to declare myself the father of a world consciousness. Why would I be afraid of you, a world consciousness?

“…Elder Brother, I was wrong. Unmute me,

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