Book 07 Chapter 009.2: The Theresilly Who Needs a Reality Check, Part 2
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 07 Chapter 009.2: The Theresilly Who Needs a Reality Check, Part 2

“Actually, I know a person called Liz who occasionally uses Kal’tsit’s account. They seem on pretty good terms with each other, but based on today, it looks like their relationship is not as I had thought.”

“What’s different? Actually, it is like this….” Seeing everyone’s curious gaze, he knew it was time to explain (he could no longer hide). That way, the others would stop looking at him like he had done something bad.

Hence, Chen Heng explained everything that happened in the Arknights world. Of course, because too much had happened, he might have forgotten about some not-so-important things, like the heart maze.

Chen Heng had truly forgotten it, not that he did not want to tell them. Yes, just pretend that is true.

“I can’t help but feel that Nightingale harbors questionable intentions toward Elder Brother.” After listening to all the details, Sirin rubbed her chin, adopting a tone reminiscent of a detective discovering something peculiar.

“Sirin, what’s usually going on inside that little brain of yours? I’ve told you so much, and this is the conclusion you drew?” Chen Heng playfully extended his hands toward Sirin’s adorable, slightly chubby cheeks.

Miffed by his actions, Sirin swatted away Chen Heng’s hands and retorted, “Who said that? I have other conclusions in mind.”

“Oh? Please share.”

“Well, I think, Elder Brother, you might have designs on Skadi.”

“…What are you thinking? Your elder brother is not that capricious.”

“Isn’t being capricious human nature?”

“…” Chen Heng did not reply to Sirin. Instead, he lifted her again and placed her on his lap, facing him, and adopted a serious and attentive expression as he gazed at her face.

Chen Heng couldn’t help but wonder why he hadn’t noticed before that Sirin was so sharp-tongued and sensitive.

Sirin felt increasingly uncomfortable under his intense scrutiny and the proximity of his face, which was only 20 or 30 centimeters away. Her face started to flush, and to hide her embarrassment, she exclaimed, “Wh-what’s the matter? Why are you staring at me like that?

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