Book 06 Chapter 063.2: Chen Heng: Don’t Play So Aggressively! Part 2
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 06 Chapter 063.2: Chen Heng: Don’t Play So Aggressively! Part 2

After replenishing his supplies, Chen Heng was about to leave when suddenly a gunshot rang out from a distance. A bullet hit Chen Heng’s helmet, directly reducing his full health to just a sliver.

Judging by the gunshot, the long-range sniper was likely in the northwest. Chen Heng quickly took cover behind the blown-up Jeep.

Once he had patched himself up and restored his health to full with energy drinks, he cautiously peeked in the direction of the gunshot.

Playing PUBG was all about heart-pounding moments; you never knew when someone would take a shot at you from an unexpected angle.

Bang! The sound of a rifle shot in the distance pierced the air. Chen Heng swiftly pulled his head back just in time. A bullet hit the ground behind where he had been standing 0.2 seconds ago. Had he not dodged, it would probably have reduced him to critical health again.

Chen Heng suspected the sniper was a teammate of the two ambushers he had taken down earlier.

He scoured the area for any useful tools and noticed some fragments of rearview mirrors, remnants of the car explosion.

This game was incredibly lifelike; it even replicated details like shards of glass perfectly.

Chen Heng had roughly deduced the sniper’s location from the two shots fired earlier. Now, he aimed the mirror toward the approximate spot and scanned for anything unusual.

Through the mirror, Chen Heng could vaguely make out a gun barrel protruding from a house on the elevated point by the bridge to the right on the island map. However, due to the considerable distance, precise targeting was impossible with just the mirror.

[Author Note: Given that this is a futuristic game, minor deviations from the real map are acceptable, right?]

Chen Heng dropped a smoke grenade at his feet, waited three seconds for the smoke to obscure his surroundings, and then maneuvered to the other end of the Jeep, using the 8x scope on his M24 sniper rifle to peer at the previously pinpointed location before quickly withdrawing it.

Chen Heng’s caution was well-founded. The earlier two

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