Book 06 Chapter 043.1: One Goddess Causing Many Problems, Part 1
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 06 Chapter 043.1: One Goddess Causing Many Problems, Part 1

Soon, the suction stopped pulling on the adventurers. However, as they were already floating, they crashed onto the city walls when the suction vanished.

Chen Heng intervened to prevent the innocent adventurers from being pulverized by the black hole; he had set up a massive attraction barrier in front of the city walls.

This barrier wrapped around the wall facing the black hole, ensuring that as long as the adventurers stayed within its confines, they would be safe from the black hole’s pull.

While Chen Heng protected the city, he had neither the time nor the inclination to shield the surrounding mountains and trees.

The vicinity of the black hole witnessed everything getting sucked into its void: trees, rocks, monsters—nothing escaped its pull. Everything floated up and flew toward the black hole.

It was not just physical objects, but even light became trapped; the black hole twisted light, making the surroundings ominously dark, painting a picture reminiscent of the end of the world.

The colossal Destroyer below the black hole was the closest thing to it and suffered the worst from the suction.

Despite the Destroyer’s immense size and weight, it couldn’t resist the black hole’s suction after the black hole grew larger and the suction intensified. The Destroyer floated up, moving toward the black hole.

“It’s the end of the world! Run!”

“So terrifying!”

“What on earth is that?!”

Those unaware of the situation abandoned the walls when they witnessed the horror, running as far from the black hole as they could.

Although they did not know why everything behind the city walls was not affected, they guessed a powerful wizard was behind it.

However, while it looked safe, what if that mage lost control?

The adventurers were not foolish, and they were not used to trusting their lives to someone else. When encountering this kind of situation, the best option, of course, would be to run as far away as possible. Protect the city? How silly! With the city’s two primary damage dealers rendered hors de combat—Megu

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