Chapter 655 - South Korea Must Be Destroyed Before It Can Be Rebuilt
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I, The Dragon Overlord Chapter 655 - South Korea Must Be Destroyed Before It Can Be Rebuilt

In a courtyard in the imperial capital of China, Gu Bbin stood sweating profusely on the side. Occasionally he snuck glances at the figures before him.

Besides Gui Bin and some service staff, the rest were all big shots.

There was the immortal from China, a nun from the Vatican, a Shinto priest from Japan, and a Monk from Southeast Asia.

In Gui Bin's perception, the immortal from China was carefree and casual, the nun from the Vatican was gentle and kind, and although the Southeast Asian monk followed primitive Buddhism, he was compassionate. Only the thin old man from Japan always gave him a sense of dread.

Although Gui Bin knew that this priest couldn't harm him, he nonetheless felt a great amount of consternation.

It could only be said that the temperament of these extraordinary individuals was all different. In this small courtyard, apart from the Norse Valkyrie, all the world-renowned superhumans were present.

Besides these four extraordinary individuals, there were also two old men present. The appearances of these two were well-known throughout the world—one was an elder from China, and the other was the Russian Czar.

At this moment, whether it was the elder from China, who appeared solemn and stern, or the Russian Czar, all of them maintained a formal attitude.

Although they wielded national power and authority, they were ultimately just mortals. In the eyes of true extraordinary beings, perhaps the difference between them and ordinary people wasn't as significant as imagined. Claims like emperors being protected by dragon qi had already been proven to be nonsense. Mortal kings could never compare with the extraordinary.

The Tsar habitually twirled a pen between his fingers and glanced at the extraordinary individuals in front of him. These people were silent, like sculptures. If it weren't for their occasional breaths, it would be difficult to perceive their vitality. He sighed inwardly. When it came to cultivating qi, he, as a mortal, was truly inferior to these extraordinary individuals.


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