Chapter 654 - No One Knows South Korea Better Than Me
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I, The Dragon Overlord Chapter 654 - No One Knows South Korea Better Than Me

"Ladies and gentlemen we’re reporting live from the frontline in Seoul, South Korea. Currently, the city is awash with monsters of numerous kinds; both in the streets and the skies. We spotted numerous flying creatures moving from building to building."

" Multiple fires have broken out. Once a hub for peace and prosperity, Seoul is now a war zone. Civilians are being killed but the military is powerless to resist."

The reporter and cameraman huddled in a corner. She spoke in hushed tones for fear of the creatures outside hearing her. Meanwhile, the cameraman carefully surveyed the area in front of the building's floor-to-ceiling windows, broadcasting the entire situation in Seoul to the camera. These journalists dared not venture onto the main roads for fear of meeting any of the creatures..

Suddenly, just less than a hundred meters away from the building, an explosion rang out, frightening the reporters to their core.

"Oh God, did everyone hear that intense noise just now? We don't know what exploded or how many people died. May God bless South Korea!"

The reporter made the sign of the cross, praying for South Korea. Although she wasn't Korean, facing such human tragedy, anyone witnessing these scenes would feel sorrow. Of course, not everyone felt this way; there were always some who took pleasure in the misfortunes of others.


At the same time, in Washington, D.C., a White House press conference was underway.

"Mr. President, will the 30,000 American troops stationed in South Korea be sent to help South Korea resist these monsters?"

Several journalists crowded together and among them, a South Korean reporter asked the most important question to the American president. Currently, the quickest military assistance South Korea could receive would undoubtedly be from the United States, as they already had troops stationed there.

"Help South Korea fight against the monsters? No, I will not issue such an order. Those 30,000 American soldiers are living, breathing human beings. They have parents, wives, and c

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