Chapter 47: Rats
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 47: Rats

“Situ An?” When he heard this name, Uncle Wu bent even lower. He wanted to hide himself. “You have to be careful of this person.”

“Do you know him?”

“I used to think ghosts were the scariest thing until I met Situ An at Si Sui Street Apartments.” Uncle Wu licked the wound on his lips. “I have to act dumb and can’t leave Si Sui Apartments because of this man. I can’t escape Han Hai, and if I even act a little bit sane, I might be killed. I thought about sending this recording to the police, but something similar happened before I did. A young volunteer told the police everything he overheard. However, his interview with the police was sent to Situ An. The young man then disappeared in the building forever.”

Hearing this, Gong Xi’s grandma became agitated. The young volunteer Uncle Wu mentioned appeared to be Gong Xi. However, Gong Xi didn’t remember this. He kept kneeling on the ground.

“Situ An… It looks like I need to figure out a way to let him stay in the anomaly forever.” Gao Ming felt strange. He had not met Situ An before, but he disliked this man intensely like something had happened between them in the past.

“That man is a devil with human skin.” Uncle Wu’s eyes showed fear. “The heart of flesh of the killer and the heart of divinity of the God of Flesh and Blood can’t fall into Situ An’s hands. That appears to be the purpose why the charity has been raising ghosts in Si Sui Apartments.” Uncle Wu drew a few lines on the yellow paper. “The killer ghost is in one of the rooms here. It’ll only leave when it kills. However, I can show you the location of the figurine of the God of Flesh and Blood so you can destroy it.”

“Where is it?”

“Underground first floor at Building A. There’s an ancestral hall at the spot where the Yin Energy is the thickest. The figurine of the God is there.” Uncle Wu took out another talisman. “I’m old and weak. I’ll only be a burden if I go with you. Take these talismans. They might prove useful.”

Gao Ming put away the talismans and looked at the paper mannequins. “Are you guys

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