Chapter 48: Home
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 48: Home

After spitting out a piece of bone, the building manager put the mask back on and sauntered away. Wan Qiu sighed and put down his hand. Instantly, a horrible stench assaulted him.

“This place is so smelly. It’s like people have been dead for days.”

He turned around to examine the trash can and shoe rack. They were very clean. There were only some waste papers. Wan Qiu smoothed out the papers. They seemed to be torn from a day.

“This is the 30th day since I’ve moved to 505. A beautiful and gentle single mother lives across from me. She often goes out to do grocery shopping at night. I will always run into her in the corridor when I work the night shift.

“She is really beautiful. She has long black hair. However, she always wears the same clothes, and a strange odour lingers around her. At first, I didn’t mind it. But one day, the landlord told me something.

“He said that the unit across from mine was finally rented out. I would have company soon. But what about the single mother? Every night, I could hear the sound of children laughing and smell the increasingly heavy stench coming from the room opposite.”

“A stench?” Wan Qiu’s brain spun. “The dairy’s owner stayed in Room 505. I’m now in Room 506.” The weak light shone on Wan Qiu. He saw the red footprints left in the living room’s cement floor.

“It’s a mixture of blood and mud.” Wan Qiu slowly knelt down. He followed the footprints until a pair of pale legs appeared in his sight. They appeared to be there from the start. Even though Wan Qiu was prepared, he was still scared until he fell to the ground. He looked up and saw a girl standing between the living room and the kitchen. The girl wore all black. Her skin was frighteningly pale because she hadn’t seen the sun for a long time already. Everything in the room was contaminated by the stench, including the girl. However, other than that, she looked no different from a normal child. Her clothes were very clean, and she had two cute pigtails. She carried a strawberry bear doll in her arms.

“Mom, someone’s

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