Chapter 46: Shapes
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 46: Shapes

What are humans, and what are ghosts?

At that moment, Gao Ming couldn’t tell. They were afraid of each other but not for the common reasons.

In the past, Gao Ming thought the invasion of the shadow world was a tragedy, but he had a different perspective now.

Zhao Xi came back and scared the whole building; Gong Xi came back, but his grandmother had been waiting for him. Even though she couldn’t recognise him anymore, she was waiting for him.

“Who is wrong in this case?”

Gong Xi let go of his grandmother’s hand and started to arrange the pictures in the room. “We need to move fast. The building manager might come back at any time.”

“Are we moving to another floor?”

“No. We’ll go hide in the rooms with the white lanterns. The building managers don’t dare to enter those rooms.” Gong Xi dragged out a big bag. He put away all the stuff and pictures. “Do you want to come with us? You had a conflict with the building manager. He might go after you too.”

“Okay.” Gao Ming had seen many rooms with red lanterns but not white lanterns. After packing everything, Gong Xi carried his grandmother, dragged the big luggage and left. He looked left and right. After ensuring the corridor was empty, he waved at Gao Ming, “Quick! We can’t let anyone see us enter the white room.” They ran down the corridor. Gong Xi pulled out paper money from the bag and burned it. Then, he led Gao Ming back up the corridor. The paper money’s ash disappeared into the shadow. When they ran back the fourth time, one of the units had a white lantern above its door.

“Get in!”

He pushed the door open, and the chill air blasted out. Gao Ming shivered involuntarily.

“This is the room where the two families got murdered!” Zhu Suisui grabbed the axe, and her body shook.

“That’s right.” Gong Xi’s expression darkened. After he entered the room, his vitality disappeared, and his face paled. He placed the luggage on the ground and took out various objects. He placed them before the bedroom door and knelt down to pray. “This room is owned. Those who should

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