Chapter 45: Gong Xi
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 45: Gong Xi

The illusions faded away to reveal the normal life. At the doors of the rentals, children chased after each other. The friendly neighbours greeted each other nicely. They hadn’t been absorbed by mobile phones and preferred to talk to each other in person.

Red lanterns hung high on the ceiling. The stalls made by the tenants lined the corridors. Some sold handcrafted stuff, and others sold lengths of cloth. There were also dentists, butchers and simple shops. Si Sui Apartments Building A formed its own special community. It was isolated from the outside world. The tenants smiled like they had zero trouble in the world.

“You two look unfamiliar. Are you here to look for new rentals?” A comfortable voice asked. A young man in an old-fashioned suit stopped Gao Ming and Zhu Suisui. He covered his mouth, and his eyes danced like they could speak.

As a good service worker, he would welcome any kind of customer, even if Gao Ming carried a broken carcass on his back.

“Yes, that’s right.” Gao Ming tried to be as normal as possible. Under the bloody lanterns, inside the dark corridors, the monsters grinned at them. They looked at Gao Ming’s group like they were food.

“My name is Gong Xi, and I am a volunteer at Han Hai Charity. I’m also the rental agent at Si Sui Apartments. Do you need a tour?” The young man led the way. He patted the dust on his shoulder and looked down the corridor. Signs of age lingered on the wall. The lantern light shone on the neighbours’ faces. The smell of meat was everywhere as there were feasts being held. Everyone was one big happy family. There was no high-class art, but there was the warmth of the common life. It was the most treasured thing.

“You won’t go wrong with picking Si Sui Apartments. Every unit here has its own story. You can taste them. Do not use your eyes, and you can appreciate the uniqueness here.”

“Can you take us to look around the floors?” Gao Ming couldn’t hear the sales pitch anymore. He didn’t seem to see the same world as

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