Chapter 44: Bai Xiao
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 44: Bai Xiao

“Bai Xiao might have eaten the meat that he shouldn’t!”

The case happened 20 years ago. Back then, Bai Xiao was just a kid. He couldn’t be the culprit, but he looked just like the culprit. It was too late to run. Gao Ming grabbed the chains and told Zhu Suisui to paste a murder talisman on her axe. “2 against 1. We should have a chance.”

Gao Ming took a few seconds to make those decisions. By then, Bai Xiao had charged down the corridor. The bone-carving knives cut through the night at Gao Ming.

“Be careful!”

Zhu Suisui ran over from the side. As the axe was about to cut Bai Xiao’s shoulders, Bai Xiao evaded with an inhuman evasion. The raincoat was torn open, and Gao Ming saw Bai Xiao’s body. The man’s skin was written with strange script. The black words crawled on his flesh like bugs.

The bones cracked as Bai Xiao’s body crumbled in sections. He looked so excited, like his brain was fried. His bloody mouth grinned. Bai Xiao exploded the potential of his body and lunged forward like a bullet.

Even though Gao Ming had been training his body, he was too weak compared to Bai Xian. Plus, he hadn’t received official training like Bai Xiao. Gao Ming stared at Bai Xiao and calmed his mind to study Bai Xiao’s attack trajectory. Even though he managed to predict Bai Xiao’s attack patterns, he barely managed to evade them.

“Cut him!” Under this duress, Gao Ming could barely evade much less attack. Therefore, his hope was in Zhu Suisui. Zhu Suisui also tried her best, but Bai Xiao could fold his body at impossible angles, and he was incredibly fast.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Ming retreated from the corridor to Building B. He was so close to death.

The knife and Bai Xiao’s smiling face dominated Gao Ming’s sight. The floor was covered with blood. It was slippery and wet. He was very careful, but he was still cornered by Bai Xiao. Gao Ming had no choice but to run into the side room like the other investigators. He slammed the door shut, but the door was destroyed. The ninth floor appeared to be a hunting ground. N

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