Chapter 43: Ghost Market
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 43: Ghost Market

“We would become like that? But we haven’t done anything!” Zhu Weiwei didn’t get it. She was scared just thinking about Auntie Pang and Busybody.

“There are 365 Gods in the building, but on the surface, we can only worship the God of Flesh and Blood. Therefore, all the tenants will be influenced by it.” Granny Shen brought over a copper basin. “The God of Flesh and Blood can manifest a person’s thoughts in their hearts through flesh. Look into this mirror. You’ll see your future.”

Zhu Suisui leaned over and looked into the water. Burnt paper money fell into the basin. The water rippled. Zhu Suisui’s reflection faded. Slowly, two burnt bodies appeared on her shoulders. They were joined to her. Zhu Suisui wasn’t afraid when she saw this. If anything, her eyes turned red. “That’s my mom and dad!”

The fire during her childhood destroyed everything. Her deepest obsession was her memories of her parents. That was evoked by The God of Flesh and Blood’s power.

“Don’t suspect it. This is the answer.” Granny Shen pitied Zhu Suisui, but she didn’t say anything more. She burnt another talisman and waved Gao Ming over.

Gao Ming was curious. He stood beside the basin silently. When the ash of the paper money fell on the water's surface, blood leaked out of the bottom of the basin. Then, the blood spread and coloured everything red!

The basin was pushed over by some force. The bloody water splashed on the figurines in the room. Granny Shen’s eyes bled. She pointed at Gao Ming, “This is not your first time here!”

“I’ve been here this morning.” Gao Ming said innocently.

“No. This is not your first time attending The God of Flesh and Blood’s ritual!” Granny Shen moved away from Gao Ming. She even pulled Zhu Suisui to her side to protect her.

“How can that be? This ghost story hasn’t been triggered. There’s no way for me to be here before!” Gao Ming was very confused.

“Granny, this is indeed our first time here.” Zhu Suisui added.

“This won’t be wrong.” Granny Shen’s white eyes stared at Gao Ming, “What is your relationshi

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