Chapter 256: Union
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 256: Union (Teaser)

The surrounding patients didn’t pose much threat to the current Gao Ming, but for Gao Ming from half a year ago, this trip would have been hell. A determined psychiatrist was torn apart by crazy people. In a way, it was an ironic ending. Gao Ming’s shadow on the ground started to run. Gao Ming followed his shadow closely.

The broadcast became shriller and shriller. Slowly, the patient’s shadow appeared on the tiles. The clean tiles were like the surface of the water. The past and present reflected and permeated each other.

There was a scream. A dishevelled nurse rushed out of a ward. Her uniform was frazzled, and she was holding a giant syringe. The nurse pushed away the other patients and aimed the needle at Gao Ming’s eyes.

Both Gao Mings evaded her. However, the past Gao Ming tripped, and the liquid in the syringe splashed into his eyes. Gao Ming perfectly avoided the needle. However, when his past self was affected by the liquid, his eyes burned as well. His movement became more difficult. The ward doors slowly moved past like