Chapter 253: Awake
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 253: Awake (Teaser)

“You know about Red Spectres. You are on the same side as the shadow world.” The giant man gripped the hilt of his blade with ten fingers. The blood in his body was continuously being absorbed by the ghost's face. Slowly, his shadow expanded to form a two-metre-tall bloodred shadow.

The giant man and the shadow behind him raised the blade at the same time. He controlled the blade while the shadow controlled his soul. Without any warning, the man took a step forward, and the other members behind him started to shoot. The remaining members activated various devices. Different from the devices used by the normal members, the devices used by the security members were taken out of the anomalies with risks to their lives. Each of them was stained with blood and curses.

“You are outside the painting, and I am inside the painting. How do you intend to harm me? Similarly, how can a human inside a dream murder a ghost outside the dream?” Xia Yang looked down the dark corridor kindly. His gaze reflected the figures of all the security members. Thi