Chapter 254: Hospital Visit
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 254: Hospital Visit (Teaser)

Gao Ming opened his eyes and looked at the only table in the room. It felt like someone was standing beside it. Gao Ming’s head felt heavy, like he had just napped.

“Are you awake?”

He slowly stood up. For a moment, his mind couldn’t match up with his body. It was an out-of-body experience. “I did hear a voice.” The anomalies around him disappeared. The world in his eyes returned to normal. The books had normal covers, and the ghostly shadow on the screen disappeared. Even the figurines inside the inner room were replaced by normal medicine.

“Have I woken up? What is the purpose of that question?”

Gao Ming was on high alert. Earlier, the whole building was submerged in despair, but suddenly, everything had returned to normal. “Am I in an illusion, or am I asleep?”

Gao Ming walked to the door and yanked away the curtain. He narrowed his eyes. The situation outside the corridor had returned to normal. The light shone on the yellowed tiles, and the doors to the wards were closed.

“I seem to be having a vision of the past…” The wind