Chapter 252: Xia Yang's Time
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 252: Xia Yang's Time (Teaser)

The blood rained on the human head. The ghost tattoo on the security member was torn apart. Gong Xi swallowed the female ghost with the blade into his stomach. The walls and floor turned into flesh. After Gong Xi combined with the haunted house of Situ An’s kid, the place he stayed would turn into mutated flesh after he was there for a prolonged period of time.

“Have you seen a beautiful woman at the hospital? She looks… like this.” Gao Ming took out a black-and-white wedding picture. It was very scary. Gao Ming held the picture between his fingers. Gong Xi held up the security member’s head.

“She… She has been taken away by my team leader. She was sent into the tattoo ghost’s home and pulverised into meat paste. She was turned into tattoo paint and would be inked on our bodies.” The security member grinned as he said that.

“Are you trying to get me to be angry and track down your team leader?” Gao Ming put the picture away. His fingers held the man’s almost-shattered head. Gong Xi tightened his grip, and the sound of bone crunchin