Chapter 229: New Mission
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 229: New Mission

The server, Yang Yu, revealed all the secrets in his heart. He didn’t hide anything. He twisted the knife that was inside the rat. His beady eyes were bloodshot. He gasped hungrily like a rabid dog.

“Don’t you feel better now that it is out of your heart?” Xuan Wen didn’t mind Yang Yu’s appearance. She walked over to him casually. The flawless angel walked among the stench and mud. She paused two steps from Yang Yu and handed him a piece of clean napkin, “Wipe away the blood on your hand.”

“A-aren’t you afraid of me?” Yang Yu couldn’t control himself as he gripped the bloody knife.

“Why should I be afraid of you? I think you’re right. In this crazy world, you’re the most normal person.” Xuan Wen smiled, “God must love you a lot for you to encounter me.” Yang Yu couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The perfect woman before him agreed with him. She didn’t have a trace of disgust in her eyes. She was different from the others.

“Now that you’re holding a knife, who do you wish to kill the most?” Xuan Wen asked with interest.

Yang Yu glanced at Xuan Wen, and his hands trembled.

“Is it your uncle who protects you and gives you a job? Is it your mother who is mad inside the hospital? Or is it the doctor who ruins and insults you?” Xuan Wen took another step forward, “Or is it me?”

Yang Yu’s deformed face became uglier as he gritted his teeth and ran back a few steps, “I don’t want to kill anyone.”

“I get it now. The person you want to kill is God.” Xuan Wen slowly approached him. “Because God’s love turns you into this. Many things were taken from you when you were born. You hate this shell that you cannot abandon.” Xuan Wen dropped a mask between them. Madness surfaced on her face. “The mask is only available to players selected by me. Tell me everything about the hospital, and I can change your fate.”

Yang Yu had extremely low self-confidence. His life was painful. He picked up the mask and cradled it in his hands. “Li San Hospital was once the largest hospital in the old city. Twenty years ago, most of the la

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