Chapter 230: Next Mission
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 230: Next Mission

“Han Hai Investigation Centre Security Teams 7 and 9 are here. I’m leader K.” The members from Xin Lu wore bloodred bands. The leading man had long hair and a full body of tattoos.

“Is your captain not here?” Jing Tuoshen was a bit disappointed. He desperately needed to stabilise the situation.

“The captain and three other teams are still on the way here. The longer the players are in the Perfect Life, the longer they will take to exit it. However, they will also obtain more stuff.” K didn’t look like a security member but a mafia gangster.

“I’ll tell you the mission location and goals when your captain is here…”

“There’s no need for that. You only need to tell me where the haunted building is.” K said evenly. He was not a careless person. He merely thought what he suggested was enough.

There were not many who dared to interrupt Jing Tuoshen. His face was dark.

“We’ve experienced things you couldn’t have imagined in Perfect Life. Therefore, you shouldn’t order us around like normal members.” There was a trace of disrespect towards Jing Tuoshen in K’s words, even though their stations were different. As if sensing the danger, a pair of ghost hand tattoos on K’s neck came alive. The ten fingers opened up like a lotus to reveal a ghost eye in the palm.

“I need you to head to Li San Hospital in the old city.” Jing Tuoshen didn’t confront K. “The east city investigation centre’s temporary chief, Situ An, has betrayed us. He perished recently, but he released a video and told the Han Hai citizens that he had hidden one set of his last effects in this city. Now, people suspect they are at Li San Hospital.”

“Situ An’s last effects?!” K heard about Situ An. “Is that our goal?”

“Those idiots don’t even know Situ An. That madman will not leave anything good behind for anyone. It’ll only cause tragedies.” Jing Tuoshen scoffed. “There’s a higher chance a latent anomaly is hidden at Li San Hospital. The danger rating is at least Level 4.”

“Level 4…” K became serious.

“Situ An didn’t dare to trigger high-level anomalies in the past because

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