Chapter 228: I Am Loved
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 228: I Am Loved

The morning belonged to the living. The vehicles from the police station and investigation centre filled the street. The cleanse was still ongoing. However, their targets included not only the possessed citizens but also the horror game players. Under the centre’s iron fist, no one dared to admit they were players. However, many citizens who interacted with the anomalies started to side with the horror game players.

If Han Hai really turned into a horror game and every citizen had been forced to become a player, was the centre going to arrest everyone?

The reason the investigation centre could still handle the situation was that the tragedy was only starting. There was only one level 4 anomaly that floated to the surface, and only three percent of the city had been covered by the shadows. Of course, this was only the second day of the arrival of the tragedy.

Xuan Wen slid her thin laptop into her bag and left Nightlight Studio with her phone. She didn’t like to stay with others. Doing dangerous things alone was a kind of entertainment for her. Through simple interactions on Dead Water Forun, Xuan Wen determined that the other party did understand the situation inside the hospital. However, the person probably had another reason to lure Xuan Wen there.

“Is he targeting me for Dead Water Forum?” Xuan Wen loved to mingle with bad people because she wouldn’t be bound by morale. Xuan Wen took a car to the promised spot. She glanced at her phone navigation.

Li San was Han Hai Old City’s larger area. A lot of foreigners were gathered there. A lot of rich people started their legacy there, just like Situ An. The legends of sudden richness happened there every day. However, most of them were just for show to give the dull lives some hope.

At noon, Xuan Wen came to the Siblings Fast Food alone. The person she waited for didn’t show up. After a long time, a masked waiter walked over in a tremble. When he passed by Xuan Wen, he accidentally spilt the food in Xuan Wen’s bag because the customer next to him suddenly stood

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