Chapter 227: Li San Hospital
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 227: Li San Hospital

Gao Ming didn’t leave the shadow world that night. He led the citizens and started to clean up Li San and Da Zai in the shadow world. In the real world, the cities were very complicated. Even with a map, one would get lost. In the shadow world, using the cursed items and ghost powers, the city became scarier. There were rooms inside rooms and stairs beyond stairs.

“I need an absolutely safe home.”

The night faded away, but Gao Ming was still very busy. In the real world, Han Hai had been turned over.

The rain finally stopped, but the dark clouds hadn’t dissipated. The daylight became clearly shorter. Traffic was busy. The majority of the citizens were not affected by the chaos yesterday night. Once the day came, all the ghosts and horrors disappeared.

The investigation centre sealed up the truth and deleted all the information. The possessed humans tried to live harder and happier than actual people. Chaos festered underneath the calm surface.

A racecar shot down the street. It ran through a puddle, and the water splashed onto the bus stop. The dirty water soiled a pair of pretty white shoes. Xuan Wen put away her red umbrella. With her headphones, she looked prettier than before. Her beauty couldn’t be hidden. She was the spotlight everywhere she went. She picked up the bicycles that were knocked over by the racecar. Her kindness was brighter than her beauty.

Xuan Wen ignored the gazes on her.

Xuan Wen entered Nightlight Studio. Once she appeared, Manager Gou darted over. He carried a cup of coffee and wore his new wig. “President Xuan, the download number for our game demo has risen to over 200,000. The reviews are very good. You have such a good eye.”

Xuan Wen accepted the coffee and smiled. “It’s everyone’s contribution. You are so good at making horror games.”

Xuan Wen took out her computer in her office. After keying in a string of passwords, she logged into a very secret website. She searched through some illegal sites. After a few days of making ‘loans’, many underground banks at Han Hai had bee

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Novel Notes

Thank you to all my readers and subscribers. Your support literally keeps the story alive!