Chapter 214: Parent
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 214: Parent

“The rumours about the investigation centre are real! Someone is raising ghosts inside the building!” After his previous experience, Xiao Yong was a lot calmer. He didn’t ask the security for help but stopped moving. His heart pounded rapidly. Xiao Yong hated the blood door out of instinct. It was a strange feeling. It was a feeling that came from deep inside his soul. The blood capillaries on the door were alive. They pulsed. All the blood gathered at the heart of the headless door guardian to help it reconstruct a bloodred heart.

“The area above Floor 10 is forbidden! Leave now!” The security member said robotically and emotionlessly. They not only had tricks to deal with ghosts but also guns to deal with humans. The east city investigation centre’s security department had been ‘cleansed’ by the shadow world. Their power level was higher than that of the other security departments.

Looking at the security team, Zhang Lian’s eyes flashed with greed like a painter finding his missing brush. Zhang Lian touched the black band and sent a message to the leader of the security team. To open Situ An’s home in the shadow world, one needed sacrifices. Xiao Yong and some of the players were the sacrifices prepared by Xia Yang. The security members who were blocking them immediately changed their tone once they got the message from their leader.

“You can stay here temporarily to avoid the danger, but do not get close to the bloodred door.”

The change of attitude unsettled Yan Lin and Xiao Yong. However, it was not like they had another choice. Yan Lin just wanted to find the reason behind his subordinate’s disappearance. He didn’t expect to get sucked into it.

Of all the humans, only Su Mo sighed in relief. He believed that they had escaped the monster on the fourth floor. They also had the aid of a reliable security team. Even if the ghost came to them, they could win the fight.

“The investigation centre is not all bad people. They have merely been fooled by their chief. Players can cooperate with them.” Su Mo thought

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