Chapter 213: Glob
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 213: Glob

The inside layout of the east city investigation centre was complicated. Each room radiated a strange presence. The sound of mantra incantation, the singing of children’s lullabies, the breathing from the speakers and the occasional stomping footsteps… This place didn’t feel like the bastion against ghosts but the lair of ghosts. The eyes of the portraits on the wall moved. They watched everyone who passed.

“Is this a horror game?” Yan Lin didn’t believe this at first, but when he was inside the horror game himself, a strong sense of danger, fear, and helplessness bound his heart and soul. He felt like he couldn’t escape. He walked down the corridor carefully. Yan Lin detected the scent of blood in the air. He raised his hand at Su Mo behind him, telling him to stop.

Su Mo, who was inexperienced, couldn’t tell what Yan Lin was doing. He walked to Yan Lin’s side before he stopped, “What’s wrong?”

“There is the smell of fresh blood ahead. If I tell you to run later, run. Do not wander off on your own.” Yan Lin grabbed his gun. He stuck to the wall and slowly nudged forward. His nerves were pulled taut. Yan Lin had never felt so anxious. Everything inside the building made him nervous. Yan Lin turned the corner with his gun pointed ahead. The scary scene he imagined didn’t appear. Under the flicking lights lay a bloody female investigation. Yan Lin slowly approached her. He raised his gun because he realised the female investigator had her eyes fully open. When their eyes met, goosebumps broke out on his beck. He didn’t feel this way even when facing the worst criminal.

“There’s chaos inside the investigation centre. The chief has betrayed us. The ghosts he kept behind our backs are out hunting. Every living human is his toy and food.” The woman said weakly, “Leave. This is not where you should be.”

This proved that they were on the right way. Su Mo observed the investigator. He didn’t think she was a bad person. “What does the ghost look like?”

Yan Lin’s brows twisted together upon hearing that question. The u

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