Chapter 210: Prices
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 210: Prices

The training room darkened. The newbies ran towards the only exit in the chaos. Zhang Lian gripped the bleeding knife and looked at her ‘colleagues’ with a grin.

“In the future, I won’t need to listen to your complaints anymore. You also don’t need to worry about me limiting your freedom. You can do anything you want to do. The only payment I ask is for me to murder you.

“You have to be in a heightened emotional state to ensure that the sacrifice is fresh. I want you to breathe but not too loudly. Hide your pain in your hearts. I need your hearts to tremble with my steps.

“Are you ready?”

The bleeding knife tapped against the wall. Zhang Lian whistled as she narrowed her eyes and walked between the shadow and the light. With each tick of the minute hand, darkness would take a giant step forward.

“That is not our teacher! He is not Fu San!”
“He is a ghost!”

Holding his wound, Xiao Yong felt foolish about his earlier actions, “No wonder Fu San told us an anomaly would happen inside the centre. He is the ghost!”

“The ghosts want to take on the east city investigation centre directly! Their goal is the investigation centre!” Wang Hu’s voice appeared in the crowd. Everyone was so busy escaping that no one realised what was wrong until Xiao Yong asked, “Wang Hu? Haven’t you left already?”

“Yes. But I realise I can’t leave.” Wang Hu sounded embarrassed as he pointed at his lower body, “My butt and legs have become part of the painting. I’m not a human anymore.” Waving the knife he had, Wang Hu’s upper body swung about. “Come and join me!”
Xiao Yong narrowly escaped the attacks as he pushed the people around him away. “Run! Wang Hu has been possessed too!”

“I’m still human. Xiao Yong, come into the painting and see for yourself! Haha!”

The newbies scattered about. When they were inside a real anomaly, they realised how scary ghosts were.

The whistling followed them closely. Zhang Lian held the knife in her left hand and touched the wall with her right. Blood oozed out of her fingers. The blood connected with the d

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Novel Notes

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