Chapter 211: Main Character
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 211: Main Character

The thunder cut through the sky. The night enshrouded Han Hai. Anxiety spread through the east city. The dark clouds descended like they were about to smother the city.

Gao Ming and Zhang Ding stood on the roof of the Fu An supermarket chain. The surrounding empty lots were littered with old boxes. This place used to be an abandoned, small children's theme park. The rusted cars were covered with black spots. The merry-go-round swung in the rain. The fat Fa Cai leaned on one end of the see-saw. Behind it knelt the curious Zhang Fendou.

“I’m not doing my homework. Not in this life.” Zhang Fendou glanced at his dad’s belt and grumbled softly.

Standing at the edge of the roof, Zhang Ding said seriously, “Xia Yang doesn’t seem to follow your orders. He has painted all over the investigation centre. He wants to take on the investigation centre alone as if to show me up.”

“He doesn’t mean that. He is just crazy.” Gao Ming couldn’t tell Xia Yang’s thoughts. He took out the death portrait he gained from Xia Yang. “As long as we have this, the problem can be controlled.”

“Are you sure?” Zhang Ding took out two canvases from behind him. They featured buildings painted by Xia Yang using blood. No matter how the rain washed over them, the paintings didn’t fade. The left painting had the Li San Investigation Centre, and the right had the East City Investigation Centre.

There were a few legends in the two paintings--danger rating, mutation progression, shadow coverage, number of surviving players and the chance for a miracle.

“Xia Yang has concluded five standards to set up a horror game. Look at them.” Zhang Ding didn’t trust Xia Yang at all, but he had to admit that Xia Yang was very talented. He helped Gao Ming design the horror games.

The higher the danger rating, the higher the chance for the players to die; The shadow coverage represented how much of the area had been consumed by the shadow world; the mutation progression referenced the mutation level of the horror games and whether an intervention was required; Xia

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