Chapter 209: Inside
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 209: Inside

“Strong heart, strong body, Yin Soul, Resentment, Brain Power…” The newbies hadn’t even heard of these things before. Their teachers only told them to follow the rules. They didn’t know about the five attributes.

“The value of these five attributes is not fixed. You can train yourself by entering the anomalies.” Fu San found some old documents under the desk. He used a pen and painted the death portraits of all the students.

“Are there devices in the centre to test these five values?” The newbies were curious.

“Not here, but you can go to Li San Investigation Centre. There are everything you want in the poor people's district.” Xia Yang used his power to see the attribute changes in the players. With that, he could guide them better. In one of the futures seen by Gao Ming, Xia Yang used this method to slowly become the centre of all the players in the city.

“I hope you will keep the portraits I’ve painted for you. This thing might help you when you least expect it.” Xia Yang was very kind. He gifted the paintings he drew to the students.

Even though most of the students didn’t believe Xia Yang, considering he was a teacher, they still accepted the portraits. A small part directly showed their disdain. The things Fu San told them were completely different from the rules the headquarters drilled into their heads. Plus, Fu San was only a teacher because of his father. His mental condition was not stable, much less his teaching capability.

“Leader Fu, you’re also a team leader here. At this moment, your team members should be risking their lives in an anomaly, but you are here all safe and protected. Is that appropriate?” The person who asked was a girl called Zhang Lian. She had a black band and had survived a Level 2 Anomaly. She had the best results among the group of newbies.

“My team members?” Fu San thought about it and said, “They’re all dead.”

Once he said that, the room was quiet.

“That’s right. They died in a recent anomaly to protect me.” Fu San recounted the story like it had nothing to do with him

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